This aria from Verdi’s “Otello” is beautifully sung by soprano Mihoko Kinoshita of the Nikikai Opera Foundation in Tokyo. We collaborated with the Hibiya Festival in Tokyo, which aired this performance at the luxury arts and entertainment complex in Tokyo, the 東京ミッドタウン / Tokyo Midtown Hibiya. Enjoy! Lyrics Translation: Hail Mary, full of grace, chosen...
Have you missed hearing opera arias with the MET Orchestra? ➡ Please enjoy the following opera collaboration with the Nikikai Opera Theatre in #Tokyo! This opera concert video was filmed remotely and collaboratively by members of MET Orchestra Musicians in NYC at the HighLineNine gallery in Chelsea, and Ms. Mihoko Kinoshita, soprano of Tokyo Nikikai...
The MET Orchestra Musicians are proud to perform virtually with Tokyo’s Nikikai Opera Soprano Mihoko Kinoshita! This YouTube clip is a conversation with Ms.Kinoshita and four members of the MET Orchestra: Mariko Anraku (Harp), Amy Kauffman (Violin), Barbara Jostlein Currie (Horn), and Dov Scheindlin (Viola and arranger of these three arias). Listen to the beautiful...
The MET Orchestra Musicians are proud to perform virtually with Tokyo’s Nikikai Opera Soprano Mihoko Kinoshita! This YouTube clip is a conversation with Ms.Kinoshita and four members of the MET Orchestra: Mariko Anraku (Harp), Amy Kauffman (Violin), Barbara Jostlein Currie (Horn), and Dov Scheindlin, (Viola and arranger of these three arias). Listen to this...
Pedro Diaz, oboist and English hornist of the MET orchestra, shares highlights from the MET Orchestra Musicians’ performance on the grounds of Lincoln Center as part of a food drive to benefit the Food Bank of New York. Please enjoy these excerpts from works by Mozart, Dvorak, and Poulenc.